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Looking Like Success vs. Having Success

Updated: Apr 30, 2019

Man in a suit and tie with a watch on
Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman

By default, we tend to set up preconceived notions of what success looks like, but not really understand what it means to have success. We tend to look at the outer things to justify someone's level of success. We may look at the car the drive, the titles they carry, the side of town they live on and the clothes they where.

However, we never consider if they are truly happy? Are they living the life they choose that enthuses them and give them purpose every day? Are they living out their core value system or someone else's?

As the old saying goes, looking the part and being the part are two completely things. Likewise, looking like success and having success are two completely different things as well.

Don't let looking like success be confused with having success.

While we may admire those who in stature look like where we want to be on the outside, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Material things may look like success, but are not a true indicator of success.

Wealthy people can live paycheck to paycheck like working class people.

2. Fame and mass notoriety does not equate success.

There are a lot of people in the limelight who have to be in the limelight to pay their bills. They have no wealth to be out of the limelight.

3. "There is one who pretends to be rich, yet has nothing all; Another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth." ~Proverbs 13:7.

Ancient Wisdom never fails.

4. Success is an internal feeling based on the alignment of your core value system and effectively living it out each day.

When you wake up, success is a feeling that gives you the fire to keep going to the next level in life.

Most of all success is not a destination; yet, a lifetime journey of adventure and possibilities. So if you truly want success in your life: feel it and have it; do not merely look like it. You will truly miss the boat if you do.


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