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#Lettuce Be Okay With Taking a Pause

We all have duties and responsibilities as well as an innate desire to achieve in life.

Occasionally life gets us down when it appears that obstacles are getting in our way.

When life gets you down, you have to take a step back to look over the areas that cause you stress.

#Lettuce be okay with taking a pause.

  • Pausing does not mean your stagnant.

  • Pausing does not mean life is passing you by.

  • Pausing does not mean everyone leaving you behind.

  • Pausing does not mean you've missed your boat.

  • Pausing means being a responsible person accountable and making sound moves not moving for the sake of moving.

”Don’t confuse or mistake movement with progress.” -Denzel Washington

When you find yourself needing to pause, take some time to reflect and do a personal inventory of yourself:

  • Do you need to build your self-esteem?

  • Do you hang around positive influences? Do you live to produce new ideas that help you to improve your personal life?

  • What have you learned about yourself up until this point?

  • What are your weaknesses and areas of improvement?

  • What are your strengths and avenues of opportunities?

If you are having to take a pause, these types of questions, reflections and personal assessments all lead up to bettering your individual life and to move in the right direction.

You have the ability to build self-esteem, confidence, as well as embracing possibilities to a fulfilling to life.

So if you need to step back, its okay. We all should. When the time is needed, #lettuce be okay with taking a pause.


Need to take a pause and reflect on where things stand for you in your life?

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