
Aug 18, 20193 min

Understanding Anxiety

Ever heard someone say, “Such and such raised my anxieties!”

Anxiety is usually assumed as a series of emotions which are commonly damaging in nature. It will frequently consist of dread, worry and/or fear.

But what is anxiety?

Anxiety 101

The state of anxiety, anxiousness, is a complex emotion, and is compiled of a number of different elements both physical and cognitive where the body will organizes itself to deal with an extraneous threat whether the threat is real or perceived.

What Causes Anxiety?

Individuals who have anxiety will commonly have a sense of fear.

A number of voluntary and nonvoluntary processes will come about in the body, and the goal of these procedures is to get the individual away from the source that's causing it to have anxiousness.

Anxiety an Emotion of Evolution

Anxiousness is a crucial emotion, and is configured to increase the survival rate of beings. In individuals it seems that anxiety comes from the hippocampus and amygdaloidal nucleus, 2 areas of the brain.

When an individual senses foul odors or tastes, there will be a big amount of blood flow which will be present in the amygdala. The evidence likewise demonstrates that medium levels of anxiousness will be present in this state of affairs as well.

Based on these reports, it seems that anxiousness is designed to keep mankind and other organisms from consuming food or objects that might be adverse to their welfare.

Physical Implications

When anxiety arises, the pulse may quicken and the blood pressure is increased. The assorted muscles in the body will likewise get high levels of blood.

At the same time, the parts of the gastrointestinal system will decelerate. Some individuals might even experience signs like nausea or chest pains.

Anxiety Disorders

While anxiousness is normal, an individual that has undue amounts of it might have what is called an anxiety disorder and this consistent level of anxiety can be detrimental to one’s health.

It is merely a body is in stress mode most of the time.

In these cases, individuals with anxiety disorders might have strong cases where they're experiencing high levels of dread, worry and/or by life’s daily transactions.

When an individual suffers from an anxiety disorder, they may also suffer from panic disorders: having extreme panic attacks.

These attacks will commonly reach their height in about ten minutes including heavy heartbeats, lighted-headness and breathing issues.

Another form of anxiety is obsessive compulsive disorder. A person with OCD has a fixation or compulsion when it comes to particular sorts of behavior. Individuals who suffer from this trouble will see the need to do something compulsively in order to cut down their anxiety.

A lot of individuals who have this disorder may want to be exceedingly clean, and are afraid of germs. To cut down their anxiety, they'll wash their hands many times in one day.

Acceptance and Understanding

Accepting that anxiety as a natural function as a living being is important because without it, our ancestors would not have made it past the wooly mammoths of their time!

However it is important to understand the healthy level of anxiety and when anxiety has become a detriment and hindrance to your daily lives.

In most cases, we are living in a wilderness of hunting and gathering like our predecessors and in most cases anxiety in today’s society may come from perceived dangers rather than real ones.

Nonetheless, it is always advised when trying to figure out the best practices in dealing with anxiety, to always seek professional advice from a licensed psychologist or medical profession to assess your needs.

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